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MD support Garfagnana Lions Club’s service

On Saturday 26 June the restoration of the last three lunettes of the convent of San Francesco di Borgo a Mozzano was inaugurated, restored through a three-year fundraising service activated by the Garfagnana Lions Club.

The restoration started in 2020 with the first bezel and completed with the other two bezels in this 2021.

MD has joined and participated with a contribution, as a three-year partner of the project, to this Service for the restoration of the last three lunettes of the Convent of San Francesco di Borgo a Mozzano coordinated by the Lions Club Garfagnana.

The Franciscan cloister, decorated in total with 29 lunettes in which over 40 scenes from the life of St. Francis of Assisi are represented, created from 1635 to 1637 by Maestro Domenico Manfredi di Camaiore, which will leave in the next few days and then be “delivered” in the month of September.

A project to which we immediately joined with conviction and enthusiasm as a response to the lack of support very often to the cultural sector.
A project that restores the value it deserves to art and that contributes to the recovery of the artistic tradition of the past, to restore to the works their original beauty, blurred by time.

An artistic heritage to be preserved and preserved, a heritage of beauty and culture of our territory, returned in its splendor to our future generations.

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